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Training Project in Montenegro

An Operation Florian team is currently working in Montenegro in partnership with the Association of Firefighters and Rescuers. A team of specialist instructors are delivering phase 1 of a 3 to 5 year project plan …

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HM Queen Elizabeth II

May I convey the deepest sympathies to His Majesty the King and his family in the passing of his dear mother, Queen Elizabeth II. Our Queen and leader of the commonwealth. Her departure is a …

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3rd Ukrainian Convoy Update

The latest convoy to the Ukraine, assisted by a number of Operation Florian members, has made steady progress through Europe after crossing the channel. Firefighters in all the countries that the convoy has passed through …

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Ukraine Convoy Update

Thanks to the efforts of everyone involved, the Convoy departed yesterday and is now travelling through Germany. There is a very strong spirit of support for Brother and Sister firefighters who are under extreme pressure …

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